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chess lectures Archive
chess opening London System part 4 = kingside attack, delayed castling, quick checkmate
Posted on November 30, 2011The London System begins with 1.d4, with an early Bf4, pawns on d4/e3, often with c3/c4, Bd3, Nbd2 and Ngf3.... -
chess opening London System part 4 = kingside attack, delayed castling, quick checkmate
Posted on November 30, 2011The London System begins with 1.d4, with an early Bf4, pawns on d4/e3, often with c3/c4, Bd3, Nbd2 and Ngf3.... -
Chess tactics lesson 1: intro to pins, King pins, pinned pieces, etc.
Posted on November 30, 2011The pin is the most common and most dangerous of chess tactics. The reason it’s a potent weapon is, a... -
Chess tactics lesson 1: intro to pins, King pins, pinned pieces, etc.
Posted on November 30, 2011The pin is the most common and most dangerous of chess tactics. The reason it’s a potent weapon is, a... -
Chess opening London System part 1 = basics, themes, concepts, patterns, etc.
Posted on October 27, 2011The London System begins with 1.d4, with an early Bf4, pawns on c3/d4/e3, often with Bd3, Nbd2 and Ngf3. The... -
Chess game: French Exchange + neo-Rubinstein inc. queen trap, sacrifices, blunders and planning!
Posted on October 11, 2011This game began as a French Exchange, after 1.e4 e6, 2.d4 d5, 3 exd, Qxd5 – mixing French and Scandinavian... -
Chess opening Stonewall Attack lecture inc. tactics, themes, lesson, etc.
Posted on October 7, 2011The Stonewall Attack is queen’s Pawn Opening, characterised by White playing d4, intending e3, c3, f4 with Bd3 and Nbd2.... -
Chess opening trap in Caro Kann defence Classical variation
Posted on August 13, 2011This trap occurs in the Caro Kann defence, Classical Variation, after 1.e4 c6, 2.d4 d5, 3.Nc3 dxe4, 4.Nxe4 Nd7, 5....