On this page, we are pleased to provide links to various Chess-related websites:
Genius Prophecy Chess : a wide selection of Chess related information!
ChessRex.com : play like a King at ChessRex.com
ChessQuotes.com : an amazing database of famous and no-so-famous Chess quotations.
David Kaufmann – Chess Website : a great chess website, full of tips and information.
Cool Chess GM : a great chess website, video, articles, links and more!
Chess England : a Facebook community page, for grass-roots chess in England
Chess Improvement : ChessImprovement.net, a chess website from Majnu2006
Killegar Chess : KillegarChess.com, a chess website from Sean G Godley
If you’d like to suggest a website, or add a link to your own blog, channel, whatever – just get in contact. To request a reciprocal link, please use our contact form.