Chess Diagrams

This free-beta Chess Diagram generating utility can create chess board + piece images from a FEN statement (Forsyth Edwards Notation).  The FEN statement can be cut/paste from a digital booklet, or from any valid external source (e.g. chess software, website, etc). In addition, users can also select various preferences, such as: style of chess pieces, orientation of the board (i.e. white/black on top/bottom), etc. Please click on the video, beneath, for an introduction.

The diagrams are generated in PNG format (Portable Network Graphics) -  not to be confused with PGN (Portable Game Notation); the graphics be saved or printed, for use on websites, desktop publishing, or as  a standalone learning tool.  The diagrams can be used for any purpose, personal or commercial – a link to our website would be appreciated!

Create, generate and customize Chess diagrams:
Input FEN (beneath):
Input FEN: [rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1]
  • note: paste or type your FEN statement, in the panel above.
  • note: the default FEN above, is the starting position @ move 0.
Include standard algebraic Co-ordinates: [Y] or [N]
  • note: if co-ordinates are selected, ranks / files will be labelled '1-8' and 'a-h'
Choose the Font / Style of Chess pieces: [Drop-Down]
  • note: if no font is selected, then the Merida font will be used
Select the board's Orientation: [White] or [Black]
  • note: if White, then White pieces on Bottom; and Black pieces on Top
  • note: if Black, then Black pieces on Bottom; and White pieces on Top.
Click the preview button to create / refresh the Diagram
The default settings are Grey + White (Board), Black + White (Pieces), Merida (Style) with White pieces on the Bottom. To see the impact of your preference selections, simply press the Preview button.
You can print the above image by clicking the button below. In case your browser blocks pop-ups, please allow them to display the board in a popup window and print the image.