Chess in England – one move forward.

A week or two ago, I tried (and failed) to find a website for local grass-roots chess in England. By this I mean a page about local clubs, events, coaches, etc., rather than high-profile tournaments filled with GMs/IMs.  I just wanted to find out what was going on in England, what English players were doing, creating, etc. As a result of this, created a Facebook community page:

In simple terms, just visit the page and advertise your chess club, event, product, website, tournament, blog, service, whatever, by – (a) posting a link on the page, and (b) liking the page. The idea is not rocket-science: each link makes it more informative, and each like makes it more prominent.

The more people contribute, the more useful it becomes. It’s been up and running a couple of weeks and, without much in the way of promotion, it’s picking up a regular stream of visits, likes, etc.