Beginner Chess Openings – The Stonewall Attack – Classic Attack and Sac (Part 1)

♕ ARTICLE: ♕ ♕ In part 1 of my 4 part Stonewall Attack Beginner Series, I will explain the classic Stonewall structure and plan. he Stonewall attack is a powerful opening play by white that puts immediate and consistent pressure on black and prevent’s black from controlling the center. This video applies the 3 Basic Principles of Opening Play to the Stonewall Attack: 1. Control the Center 2. Develop Your Pieces Actively 3. Get Your King Safe! With a classical Stonewall Attack sacrifice 13. Bxh7+! — white tears open the black king’s pawn cover and begins an immediate and straightforward attack on the H-file (14. Qh5+ 15. Rf3 and 17. Rh3). White continues the attack with another bold sacrifice (18. Rxh5) and the resulting position guarantees white excellent winning chances with a knight and 3 pawns for a black rook. This game is a classic example of the Stonewall Attack. (This was a summary for the full text check out the article) About my Beginner Chess Series: Anytime you see an article or video marked as a beginner series chess video or beginner series chess article you’ll know its instructive and easy to understand. Stay tuned as we will be releasing many more beginner chess videos and beginner chess articles in the upcoming weeks. By the time I’m done you’ll know the best chess openings for beginners! PGN: [Result "1-0"] [Opening "Stonewall Attack"] [Event "Stonewall Attack"] 1. d4 d5 2. e3 c6 3. Bd3 Nd7 4. f4